Paul Auster reads from « Winter journal »

2 commentaires sur “Paul Auster reads from « Winter journal »

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  1. And the heart connects. And there go my tears, unlocked for a moment. Merci, Gabrielle. Merci Paul Auster.
    « … One month from today, you will be turning sixty-four, and although that is not excessively old, not what anyone would consider to be an advanced old age, you cannot stop yourself from thinking about all the others who never managed to get as far as you have. This is one example of the various things that could never happen, but which, in fact, have happened.
    The wind in your face during last week’s blizzard. The awful sting of the cold, and you out there in the empty streets wondering what possessed you to leave the house in such a pounding storm, and yet, even as you struggled to keep your balance, there was the exhilaration of that wind, the joy of seeing the familiar streets turned into a blur of white, whirling snow. »

    Aimé par 1 personne

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